After waiting over three weeks with no response from MassGOP Chair Amy Carnevale regarding the illegal reorganization/hostile takeover of the GRCC by Clayton Sova, Cynthia Bjorlie and abetted by newly elected State Committee members Michael Scarlata and Lisa Marie Cashman, Ashley Sullivan decided to go public with her evidence and request a resolution in a letter to the many Republican leaders who represent the area.

In a May 7th post on the Dark Red Conservatives United Facebook page, she wrote:

Included in the documentation were:

  • A signed letter dated June 20, 2023, from MassGOP Chair Amy Carnevale confirming Ashley Sullivan as Chairwoman and Amanda Orlando as State Committeewoman
  • An April 4th email from GRCC to members announcing that State leadership and the newly elected committee members (Scarlata and Cashman) would run the re-organization meeting on Saturday, April 13, 2024
  • A formal letter detailing the events leading up to and surrounding the illegal re-organization, which was sent to the state committee members and other Republicans who represent Gloucester and surrounding towns. [read here]
  • Screenshots of a series of text messages between Amanda Orlando, John Milligan, Michael Scarlata, and Lisa Marie Cashman about the scheduling and mishandling of the re-organization meeting, documenting that GRCC members were not notified and that Sova was ignoring leadership.
  • Several email screenshots from members notifying leadership of their resignations from the GRCC and expressing their anger and dismay, including the resignation of former State Committeewoman Amanda Orlando.

Some responses to Sullivan’s Facebook post:

It remains to be seen if Amy Carnevale will ever address this issue…

Questions Remain

How did a small group of disgruntled ex-committee members, some of whom weren’t registered Republicans, infiltrate and successfully achieve a takeover against the legitimate Chairwoman of the Gloucester Republican City Committee?

  • Support and guidance from WMA Patriot PAC leadership to form the Cape Ann PAC, with Sova as Chair
  • GRCC was unprepared, perhaps a bit naïve, and were caught flat-footed by the assault
  • MassGOP Chair Amy Carnevale’s milquetoast response to the illegitimate instigators after many requests from Orlando, Sullivan, or any GRCC members who have asked for assistance. Crickets, because…

Nothing happened to the GRCC that Carnevale objected to.

What was the ultimate goal of these malcontents? We are not mind readers. However, we can look at the players in the coup as indicators of their motives.

  • Bjorlie co-sponsored an event in January of 2023, at which former gubernatorial candidate (RINO) Doughty was the main speaker
  • Bjorlie, Sova et al., aligned themselves with Howie Carr, who famously lumps America First candidates into his “Kool-Aid Kult”
  • MassGOP Chair Amy Carnevale begrudgingly endorses Donald Trump as the Republican nominee

Why would this group go to such questionable, if not illegal, lengths to worm their way into one of the most active RCCs in the state? The answer seems obvious. Control and influence. Bjorlie, Sova, et al. (and whoever backed them) saw an opportunity to insert their ideas and methods into the Republican Party infrastructure. Are those ideas conservative? Are they honest? Was the entire operation a ruse to stem the growing tide of principled candidates by destroying the committee? Were they hoping to set off a chain reaction of implosions throughout the state?

Was it to ensure that no Republican Committee in the blue state of Massachusetts will ever trend toward America First?

After reading this entire series, laid out with primary source documents and emails, we would challenge any person to claim that Clayton Sova and the gang are legitimately elected, or that the 2024 “reorganization” of the “GRCC” was legitimate and not just an imaginary event with no basis in bylaw or reality.

And maybe that is where the Republican Party in Massachusetts sits today, in an imaginary kingdom, where the only power they exact is that which the Democrats allow them to have.

by Citizens for Truth Contributor

Read the entire Massachusetts Morass series here

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